Leveraging social media to promote your site

Leveraging social media to promote your site: Recently I had the opportunity to learn and use social networks. 

This article would like to share one's own little experience in the use of social networking one effective way to promote your site. We hope for your kind comments.

Social networking and its advantages

There are many social networking is already being used today to promote your site, among them could name a few names such as: - About bookmarks: head is probably delicious, followed by Digg, and Stumble Upon,. .. - About status: giants Twitter and Identi.ca surely belong, ... - On the micro blog: perhaps notably Tumblr, ... - In connection Friends: Facebook and MySpace make no candidates match members, in addition, in Vietnam, Yahoo! 360, ... And also one variety of "social networking format" like FriendFeed dedicated to Feed and status updates, Flickr photo-sharing specialized in, or 1 variety of blogging platforms like WordPress.com, TypePad, ...The question is one who normally difficult to join a permanent one on the same network 1 time. Usually, people just choose 1-2 main network and activity on it, and the other networks are vacant. Opting 1 social networking website to promote brings considerable benefits, because it helps you: - Notice 1 quickly changes available to others - Leveraging the cross-linking between friends, Social accustomed to generate traffic for your website - and maybe as BlogViet analysis , the search engines regularly visit social networking sites also help your website get indexed faster. The blank social networks Other Assembly will lose the advantages on your, that's regrettable. In the following section, I will discuss first few tools that help you automatically update the social networking website that through Feed.

Putting feeds on social networks

To put the website on the first feed certain services, eg as Twitter, with many services to meet:


This service allows taking feed from your website and send to Twitter, Identi.ca, hellotxt Ping.fm. Twitter and Identi.ca service is pretty much identical status update.About hellotxt Ping.fm bit further we mentioned later. Twitterfeed work well, especially as it allows the use of OpenID, so virtually we do not have to register again (remember that if you own one account Google , Blogger, Yahoo !, WordPress.com, ... then you already have one address and OpenID). It's good to Vietnamese operation, and enables shortened links through a lot of services for free like TinyURL, Tr.im, ... In addition, with one account, you can add as many links as well feed be. The lifting of this service is the time to update and quantity . It is only for a maximum of 5 posts in 1 update and update the shortest period of 30 minutes. If the blog (website) to your child, this is not a problem. However, with the continuous updates website with large numbers, this is not very good.


This service is similar to Twitterfeed, however, only allow updates on Twitter, Identi.ca and Ping.fm (less Twitterfeed in hellotxt). Pingvine overcome two drawbacks on the ability of Twitterfeed feed update every 5 minutes, and unlimited quantities.However bad point of this service is treated poorly Vietnamese , Vietnamese letters appear incorrect. It also does not shorten links . If your RSS link used through FeedBurner, you'll find it has the form

Too bad right? Currently, the website is also sticking one error is not corrected or deleted links RSS feed link. I was also the case, and is sending notices to them, hoping they would soon fix. There is one point both advantages and disadvantages both of this service is that you do not need to register . Simply fill in the username / password (for Twitter) or key (for Ping.fm) and address Feed that you can use immediately. Yet, for which each account (Twitter or Ping.fm) corresponds only correct one feed, meaning you can not use it with many blogs as Twitterfeed. PingVine Vietnamese fault so I think it will be good for the blog, website in English.


FriendFeed itself as the so-called feed allows you to update the blog, the website on his account there. But not only that, it can be used as one page status updates like Twitter.Its features are allowed feed or update their status on Twitter . That is, every time your feed new posts, or you update 1 status in FriendFeed, the new post, the new status will also be sent through Twitter respectively. FriendFeed has a high ability to customize, allowing you to update 1 multiple feeds (you can choose from the feed that you've added to FriendFeed, not necessarily choose all) to update via Twitter.FriendFeed also capable of self shortened link through the service itself. FriendFeed speed in relatively high update (as I noticed, because there is no official information from the homepage). Currently I and uncle in BlogViet Province are taking FriendFeed Twitter feed to update.

The update tool All In One

If you only use one of the tools mentioned above, it is likely you can simply update one or several social networks and still miss some remaining network. So make note of the following tools:


Like ping function in WordPress, this Ping.fm page 1 task: each time you send it to one "something", it immediately sends "it" to all of the social network of your choice. 1 Like many balls are puncture hole, when you pour water on, water will spray in all directions. The "something" that I say here should be the articles in your feed. But how to send the feed to automatically Ping.fm 1? Please use Twitterfeed or PingVine that I mentioned above. You will have 1 process similar promotions as follows: New => Update feed => Twitterfeed feed reader and to the Ping.fm => Ping.fm to distribute it throughout the rest of social networks. Ability Ping.fm's great power, which means it allows updates to tens of social networks, including from the hottest networks like FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn to Yahoo! 360 , Tumblr, WordPress.com, Blogger, ... Generally, you can use it to update virtually all popular network. More particularly Ping.fm can update both delicious . In my limited knowledge, I only know this Ping.fm is the only tool that allows automatic bookmarks to delicious. Only regret is that it has not yet Digg and Stumble Upon support. And one more interesting point of Ping.fm has become one extremely effective tool that you can update by sending a message via Yahoo Messenger , GTalk, Email, ... If you use Yahoo! Messenger like me, then just send a message to nick pingdotfm the service will automatically update all of the network you choose.


Hellotxt can be considered a twin brother sing of Ping.fm. Functional, it is similar in that I did not carefully presented. However, it lost Ping.fm service in 2 points: - 1 is not for online update which is very famous delicious - 2 is not to update through Yahoo! Messenger, 1 Vietnamese chat tool that we use very lot. It only allows the use GTalk or Jabber, however, is only in beta testing format. Reading this make you well imagine using these tools to update automatically on your account at social networking .Because conditions have not tested all the stuff in them, and not explore other automated tools, so the article is probably missing much, look forward to the comments and share your experience with me in this issue. I wish you happy blogging!And very funny if you are connected through Twitter (social networking I primarily use today) at: http://twitter.com/rilwis . 

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